Friday, January 28, 2011

Stuffed Plantain Balls

I love plantains, especially green plantain, the type that we prepare in fritters called tostones. But you also have ripe plantains; essentially green plantains that have ripened to a deep, dark yellowish color. Some people prefer the ripe plantain since they give a sweeter flavor. In my family we prefer tostones. Although once in a while we cook ripe plantains with eggs for breakfast; or in a traditional dish called pinon (pronounced peen-yon) , a layered casserole of ripe plantains, beef and kidney beans.

Another of our favorite uses of ripe plantains is cheese-stuffed plantain balls. Think of it as fallafel balls but with cheese inside and a luscious, sweet exterior. Believe me, once you've had these plantain balls, you'll be hooked. They can be served as an appetizer or as a main entree accompanied by rice---a perfect vegan dish.


6 ripe plantains, unpeeled and cut in half widthwise

8 cups water

Salt to taste

1/4 cup butter

2 tablespoons cornstarch plus cornstarch for shaping balls

1/2 pound cheddar cheese, shredded

Oil for deep frying (vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil, olive oil, etc.)

1. Drop the plantain halves into boiling salted water and cover. Cook rapidly for 20 minutes. Drain. Peel the plantains and mush the pulp. Add the butter and 2 tablespoons cornstarch and mix well. Let cool enough to handle.

2. To shape the balls, coat the palms of the hands with cornstarch. Pick up about 1 tablespoon of the pulp (or 1 teaspoon, depending on the size desired) and flatten slightly between the palms. Add a portion of the cheese and mold the plantain around it, shaping the whole into a ball. Repeat until all the balls are formed. Be aware that you can make the balls as large or as small as you desire. In the Rivera family we like big plantain balls. Other folk may prefer smaller variations similar to Swedish-type meatballs.

3. Heat the oil for deep frying. Drop the balls into the oil and cook until golden. Remove and drain on paper towels.

    Yield: 8 to 12 balls, depending on size.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Caldo Gallego

Great. Back to recipes. Today it's Caldo Gallego  For those of you who've been to Spain recently, this will probably be familiar. For those who haven't been to Spain, then you're in for a treat.

Caldo Gallego (Cal-doh Gah-jeh-goh) is a dish that is very popular in Puerto Rico. Even in Ponce, in the southern part of the island, where my parents hail from, the measure of a good restaurant is not its arroz con pollo or mofongo, it's the quality of  its Caldo Gallego. This is a vigorous soup that was brought over from Galicia, a historic region in northwest Spain. I'm told that in Galicia the base for this rich broth is an aged bacon called unto (oon-toh). Since you may not find it here, lean cured ham and/or salt pork can be used instead. Also, in Spain the soup is cooked in a large earthenware pot and is served in earthenware bowls. For those who don't have  earthenware, any heavy pot or kettle can be used, like a caldera  (a heavy pot made from cast-iron or cast aluminum and found in any Caribbean store). And, yes, regular soup plates will do. Add a loaf of good bread, and you have the perfect repast. Simple, delicious, and filling.

Let me add that the recipe is from my first cookbook, Puerto Rican Cuisine in  America (Thunder's Mouth Press). The soup needs long, gentle cooking time ( about 3 hours). But it's worth the wait.

CALDO GALLEGO (Galician Style Broth)

1/2 pound dry white beans

3 ounces lean cured ham or salt pork, washed and diced

1/2 pound smoked ham, washed and cut into bite-sized pieces

1 small onion, peeled and sliced in rounds

1 pound potatoes, peeled and quartered

3 turnips, rinsed and quartered

1 10-ounce package frozen turnip greens

Salt and ground black pepper to taste

1. Rinse beans under cold running water and drain.

2. Place beans in a large kettle or Dutch oven. Add water to cover, cured ham, smoked ham and onion. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer on low heat for 2 hours.

3. Add remaining ingredients and gently stir to mix. Bring to a second boil, cover and simmer on low heat for 1 more hour. If needed, you can add more water during last hour of cooking. It depends on how "soupy" you want it.

    Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

The Trouble with Google

This is my first post of the new year and, honestly, it wasn't what I expected to write about. But recently I've encountered a problem which, I've discovered, is not unusual to those of us who blog and comment and make use of the internet. My problem, in essence, is with that gargantuan entity, Google. Now, don't get me wrong, this is not a blanket condemnation of the service. Google, for all intents and purposes, is a marvelous tool that, yes, has made our lives easier and more productive. I would be among the first to acknowledge that. It has changed the way we think and interact and, for the most, we are better for it. My concern is that this marvelous search engine, in all its encompassing growth, may have deviated from of its original goal to help, to assist, to "do no harm."

My problem began on December 10th, when I received a notice from Google that there was "unusual activity on my account." The notice stipulated the steps I would have to follow in order to rectify the situation. Accordingly, I followed these instructions in order to reset my account. Part of it was using a reset number during the procedure. After receiving confirmation that all was well, I went back to my usual tasks on the computer. However, I discovered I could not access my blog. Try as I might, I could not sign in. My blog information had simply disappeared. I contacted the Google help number (650 253-000). I was informed (by a recorded message) that I would have to go to for assistance. Which I did. I wrote in on the line asking what the problem was by stating that my blog had disappeared and I couldn't access any of my material. The answer I received was that my problem "did not match answers in the accounts help." I kept on trying, keeping my notes as short as possible, still, nothing matched the "accounts help." In one instance I was forwarded to another site where they would take a look-see at my account, but for a fee of $35.

The end point is that Google was no help whatsoever in solving my dilemma. I had to contact my tried and true tech guy ( who had to literally hack into Google in order for me to acquire my blog material going back two years. A twelve (12) hour job, and very expensive. Subsequently, checking on various sites  I have discovered that I am not the only one who has encountered this problem; and, in all cases, no assistance was forthcoming. Truthfully, I was appalled by the lack of consideration and/or access via Google. So, I wrote them a scathing letter, stipulating that a copy would be forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission. And guess what? The following day my tech guy calls me up and states that my blog had magically re-appeared---and he couldn't figure out why or how. Had Google just gotten my blog back in  a timely manner I would have been spared a lot of aggravation and expense.

Now, I know I'm not the only one who's had this kind of hassle. But, man, if this keep up, Google may suffer a black eye, at least in PR terms as it moves forward in the corporate arena.

Also, I would love to hear from anyone else who has had this kind of incident with Google. Again, my aim is not to disrupt or cast aspersions on anyone. As stated, in the first paragraph, Google does a marvelous job (most of the time). I just would like to hear and catalogue whatever comes along.

A happy new year to everyone. And thanks all for the great response to my pasteles video.
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